Born in 1860 in the Moravian village of Ivancice. From his childhood he was called to art. At ninteen he set out for Vienna where he found a job building theatre scenery. For the next seven years opportunity preceeded disaster followed by greater opportunity, yet he trod where fortune led. To his sense of patriotic mission was added the belief that he was destiny’s child. Life was theatre. If he remained true to his calling and to fortune’s beckoning, great things lay before him.
He moved to Paris to continue his studies and to make his mark in the world of art. A master of art Nouveau, the decorative style of lush and opulent adornment that briefly encaptured the the fin-de-siecle world but passed from the scene as quickly as it erupted.
Mucha developed decorative panels with either two or four
variations on a variety of themes. He designed posters for theatre
and music, illustrated books, the cover for a series of Cocorico
magazines, designs for decorative documents he even designed
jewelry, cutlery and silver ware, to name just a few things.
http://www.mucha.cz/http:/ /www.bpib.com/illustrat/mucha.htm
great work. did you come accross mucha's work for moet champagne.
reeeeally enjoyed your bio on alphonse...i had only just discovered his work during this assignment...prolific isn't he?!!...because u described his life and work so well i chose to do a more general art nouveau blogg...but i did stumble upon those moet illustrations...see my blogg "new art for the new century"...
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