The Cold War is a term applied in 1947, just after World War II (Revisionism states that it began before the end of World War II) to the tension between the worlds leading superpowers- Capitalist United States (west) and Communist Soviet Union (east)who were previous wartime allies. During the Second World War and in the following years America saw communism as competition, and used propaganda through communication mediums of literature, posters and radio to extend their message. Television had recently been invented (1935) and wasn’t until post World War II that it was seriously considered as a new medium for visual creativity. As television and film were finding their place in developing worlds, propaganda in the form of attractive colourful animations found a place in this medium as there was an increase in demand for more interesting and exciting content during post world war II, and capitalist America used this fact to their advantage with their predominating ‘us’ and ‘them’ attitude towards communism.

URLs: www.greencine.com/webCatalog?id=122857
Reference material: History of Advertising - Animation (1940-1950) - DVD
very interesting topic gen! images are great..."appealing"ly simple (i'd like to see more...) and your critique of graphic design and colour choices very descriptive!!!
excellent post. great insight
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